Measurement Validation

Measurement Validation

Measurement Validation

Validation functions are present for single measurements, groups of measurements, and perOrgan groups of measurements. There are different branches for baseline and followup criteria. Some criteria have conformance checks that apply to both baseline and followup. We also distinguish between existing and new lesions when validating measurements on followup timepoints.



Individual target measurements:

// - Target lesions must be >/= 10 X 10 mm
    longestDiameter: {
        numericality: {
            greaterThanOrEqualTo: 10
    shortestDiameter: {
        numericality: {
            greaterThanOrEqualTo: 10

Group of measurements

// - Up to a max of 10 target lesions total
    totalNumberOfLesions: {
        numericality: {
            lessThanOrEqualTo: 10

Per Organ Groups

// - Up to a max of 5 target lesions per organ
    numberOfLesionsPerOrgan: {
        numericality: {
            lessThanOrEqualTo: 5


baseline: {
        target: {
            nodal: {}
            extraNodal: {}
            all: {}
        nonTarget: {},
        perOrgan: {}
        group: {}
    followup: {
        existing: ""
        new: ''
    all: {

Criteria for the specific image are retrieved from the general set of criteria.
- The acquisitionSliceThickness, for example, may be pulled from the image metadata
- The organ in question, e.g. Chest X-ray, may determine the exact specifications for the current trial criteria

When are Measurements Validated?
- An individual measurement is validated any time it is changed:
- 400 milliseconds after it has been changed via Cornerstone Viewport

- The set of measurements is validated any time any measurement is added, removed, or changed:
- 400 milliseconds after it has been changed via Cornerstone Viewport

- The set and all individual measurements are validated before initiating a Save


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