Workflow steps:
Model types (from highest in hierarchy to lowest):
- User
- ClinicalTrial
- TrialArm
- Timepoint
- Study
- Measurement
Descriptions & notes
- Users can have various privileges depending on their status: Reader, TrialOwner, Administrator, for example
- Readers can only create and edit measurements
- TrialOwners can create and manage trials, trial arms, and associate studies with timepoints
- Administrators can create/manage/delete all data models, including other Users
- Trials can be created and managed by a TrialOwner
- Trials contain one or more trial arms
- Trial arms can include one or more timepoints
- Timepoints contain one or more studies
- Timepoints can be part of multiple trial arms and trials
- Created manually by a trial owner
- When a single Study is selected, the system suggests the inclusion of other Studies with the same StudyDate and PatientId
- Represents a single DICOM study at a specific study date
- Relates to a single patient by PatientId
- Created by a User
- Updated by a User
- Related to a Study, Timepoint, Trial Arm, and Trial
- Future: Sets of Measurements can be cloned between TrialArms