Gordon Harris, Rob Lewis, Weiwei Wu, Aysel Afsar, Yves Martell, Daniel Rubin (Stanford/ePad), Hiro Yoshida (MGH), Steve Pieper (Isomics/Slicer), Wenli Cai (MGH), Trinity Urban (MGH), Mark Rosen (Penn)
Measurements are displayed in time point measurement table
Cornerstone library is a component; events are captured and published in Cornerstone
This proof-of-concept demonstrates what TIMC/PIM would like to do with web viewer
Open discussion
Steve Pieper has been looking at Cornerstone for a while. This type of platform is very attractive for a variety of reasons and has huge possibilities. Maybe it is time to organize our efforts as there is overlap across other projects such as CTK and Slicer. Eric Ziegler is potentially working on integrating segmentation into Cornerstone.
Daniel Rubin emphasized the importance of standardization (annotations, calculations, measurements into a standardized format such as AIM) and ideally the elimination of redundancy.
Rob Lewis discussed balance between future thinking and maintaining connection to legacy systems/data and the group had interest in discussing this issue further.
Adapters are the glue that keeps the old and new systems together
Steve mentioned dcmjs http://dcmjs.org/ which is a javascript cross-compilation of dcmtk for use in the javascript environment.
In summary, people need a place to come together and share project needs/visions to determine overlap and figure out how to leverage each other’s efforts.
Close Meeting
Gordon will be away during the beginning of July but member of OHIF team will host next meeting
Please feel free to forward meeting invite to interested friends
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