Workflow steps:
Open-source trial-level workflow proceeds as follows:
- TrialOwner User creates ClinicalTrial and TrialArm
- TrialOwner specifies which patients are included in TrialArm
- TrialOwner creates Timepoints (e.g. Baseline, Follow-up) through the Study Association modal for various patients
- Optional: TrialOwner assign PatientIds / Timepoints to Review to Readers
- Reader chooses Timepoints to Review based on Study Worklist, Timepoint Worklist, or the Reader's assigned work (new page?)
- Reader loads LesionTracker with specified Timepoints and creates / updates Measurements
- Measurements are saved as created/updated by Reader, Timepoint is marked as Reviewed in the TrialArm Model
In Precision Imaging Metrics approach, LesionTracker usage starts at Step 6.
Model types (from highest in hierarchy to lowest):